Perubahan Konduktivitas Hidraulik dan Daya Hantar Listrik Tanah Akibat Pemberian Urea dan Bahan Organik pada Tanah Ultisol


  • Ida Suryani Universitas Cokroaminoto Makassar



urea, organic matter, hydraulic conductivity, electrical conductivity, ultisol


This study aimed to determine the effect of urea added with organic matter in a high C/N (50-70) or low C/N (10-20) ratio on the hydraulic conductivity and electrical conductivity of Ultisol soil. The research was arranged in a Split Plot Design. The main plot is organic matter, ie, without organic matter, calopogonium leaves, and rice straw 1,275 x 10-8 kg/ha, equivalent to 15.3 g/pipe. Sub-plots were urea doses consisting of 0, 100, and 300 kg/ha, equivalent to 0 g/pipe, 0.0425 g/pipe, and 0.0825 g/pipe, respectively, applied to Ultisol soil. Sample of Ultisol soil was taken at a depth of 0 -120 m which were air-dried, then sifted, mixed with TSP, organic matter, and urea according to treatment. The sample was put in a PVC tube (pipe) with the bottom covered with fine gauze to hold the soil but still allow percolation. . Incubation was carried out for two weeks. Observations were made after the incubation period, including hydraulic conductivity and electrical conductivity. The application of organic matter and urea at a dose of 300 kg/ha can increase the electrical conductivity of the soil. Adding the main organic matter with a high C/N ratio (rice straw) increases the hydraulic conductivity. Electrical conductivity (EC) is a good indicator in explaining the dispersive effect of urea and the effect of flocculation of organic matter. High electrical conductivity always results in high hydraulic conductivity in Ultisol soils.

Author Biography

Ida Suryani, Universitas Cokroaminoto Makassar

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Universitas Cokroaminoto Makassar


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